The Original Biomat

Current Special Offer Request

Please contact us, if you wish further information, about your Bio-Mat, or other product purchases. You may complete the form below, or give us a call. All information is kept confidential.

Please note that if you have a friend or therapist that has shown you a Bio-Mat, they most likely can sell you a Bio-Mat. If not we will be happy to assist you. We do not wish to take business away from other distributors that have connected with you.

The Original Bio-Mat
Healing Waves, LLC
3600 SE 168th AVE
Vancouver, WA 98683

You may complete the following form to send us a message.
Indicates required entry.






How did you find out about the Bio-Mat?

Have you purchased a Bio-Mat before?
 Yes   No

If so, where or from whom did you purchase?

Are you working with another distributor?
 Yes   No
